Blog – Reading #5
This week the blog is on Christensen – Unlearning the myths
that blind us. It mainly has to do with cartoons
in our society and the “subliminal” messages within them. She does state some people may look way to
much into decoding these cartoons, etc.
I believe these cartoons are here for entertainment, they are to amuse
us and pass the time. Sure there are
hidden messages and meanings within them but it’s up to you the viewer to make
of it what you want. If you find it
entertaining then continue to watch it and support the advertisers that pay to
put the cartoon or show on every week.
On the other hand, if you have a problem with the messages and
appearance of character’s and how they are depicted then change the channel and
watch something else. Leave Cinderella and
Barbie alone, let the Ninja Turtles eat pizza and entertain young kids and if
you don’t like what you see then change the channel, shut the tv off or read a
book! These people who provide all of
this controversy by creating there fairy tales and cartoons must be doing
something write because they are making loads and loads of money. Just like everything else now a days people
want to break down everything until its totally neutral in society and doesn't
hurt anyone’s feelings by being a blonde, skinny, white princess. I didn't see Christensen critique the Fat
Albert show, that was a great cartoon, very funny. Should Fat Albert have been skinny and white
instead of Fat and black? Maybe there
was more to the Pink Panther than we knew about because male panthers should
not be colored pink.