Thursday, September 4, 2014

Post 1

Hello!  My name is Tony, I was introduced to you by Donnie and I'm in the section five FNED 346 class.  This is the first time I've setup and posted on a blog, it was pretty straight forward.  I found our first class enjoyable and after reading the syllabus it sounds quite interesting.  I look forward to learning about the different topics, many of which are new to me.  I also plan on reading the book Dr. Stevos wrote regarding our Constitution.

The one thing I wanted to mention regarding our first class was the way Dr. Stevos had us introduce ourselves to our classmate and them having to introduce us to the class.  I liked how we did that because now I know someone from class and his name.  I found it a great way to "break the ice" and an easy way to remember someone new.  To me, I'd rather remember the one name instead of no names.

Have a good day (or night)!

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