Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blog – Reading #1

Blog – Reading #1

This author named Peggy Mcintosh argues her views in the article she wrote called White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.  She believes whites always benefit from an unearned privilege.  She also believes all men have an unwillingness to be over privileged and all woman are at a disadvantage to men.  She basically thinks men pretend to work towards improving the status of women in society.  She claims men gain from any disadvantages women may have.  She writes things like she can always find people of her race to be with, she can count on her neighbors being nice to her because she chooses to live in a nice neighborhood.  She expects when she goes shopping for music she’s sure she can find music by people of her ethnicity and race.  She also thinks her skin color won’t work against her with financial responsibilities.  She also argues that not talking about and denying privilege are key political tools for politicians and alike.  She thinks democratic equality is a myth that will take decades to change.  The point I want to share is that this article is of her statements and her personal opinions and I do not agree with her views. 

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